Trip:Earth:USA:St Thomas, USVI

Ends can be beginnings….

There aren’t that many people that I know that don’t like to go to the beach at some point. There are some that just don’t or are  so pasty white the idea of the sun might cause a sun burn. I have been fortunate that even when I have burned it doesn’t hurt. Regardless…

What started off as a grueling beginning had a finish that has made me ALMOST forget about the beginning. Funny the way the mind plays these games. Now visualize my hands waving side to side and up and down and the picture getting fuzzy because it’s flashback time!

As I previously wrote, working 24/7 in a place like St Thomas can kinda suck. Choosing to not be too far from work limits one’s options as well as having more work than expected by myself and the people I worked with.

I was able to get out some to try out the food and for some sightseeing as my echolocation is malfunctioning for my audioseeing.

Rancho Latino was ok. I had the chicken mafongo. It was my first time trying it anywhere. I enjoyed it. I think. It needs a second try before I decide. I did choose not to have the pork (taste issue) used for the mafongo which may have altered the taste. The breaded chicken ‘patty’ was good and too large for me and the mafongo was… filling. I can’t seem to think of how to describe it. Maybe it is one of those things you have to experience to understand it. Maybe someone else has the words that can explain it.

I also tried to cook in the apartment but even after a heavy dosing of raid the ants proved they ruled the kitchen. Seriously. One piece of bread placed onto a plate onto the counter and the ants were on it in under a minute. Tiny little buggers too. I learned how to make a sandwich directly from the fridge holding everything on one arm as I opened and closed containers.

A visit to the restaurant at blackbeard’s castle… The meal started with chicken quesadillas which were very good with their pineapple mango salsa. For the main course I got an 8 oz tenderloin with green beans, carrots and potatoes. The manager was around so he was told that the meal was overall blah. The steak, which I like medium-well, was cooked very well and didn’t have any real seasoning. I had to use the au jus to make it palatable. The carrots were nice and sweet tasting but the beans and potatos were blah as well. The meal was finished with a nice caramel cheesecake that I would consider having again with the quesadillas.

The last night I went out to a place called Pie Whole. Ok pizza. Gas powered oven but it looked like a brick oven though. I got the cheese lover with the EVOO and garlic base sauce. I like my crusts crunchier and while the bottom was floppy like a new york slice, I’d say it was a little underdone. Nothing that couldn’t be fixed as a leftover baking it in the oven on some foil. I normally would have done so on the stove top with low heat but didn’t want extra protein from the crispy crawlers. I also had a risotto of theirs. A little too creamy for my tastes and not as well seasoned.

But the highlight of this whole adventure was my last day. I finished dotting i’s and crossing t’s around 9 am and after a phone call, was off to the beach for some quick time in the water as I had a 2:20ish flight that afternoon. The beach was warm and there weren’t that many people there yet as the tourists hadn’t come through. The snorkeling was great right off the beach and something I hope to do again with some possible diving as well. Chatting on the sand and in the water I had a most relaxing and wonderful time. And choosing to not stay another couple days IS something I am kicking myself over and also something that I will remember. For a multitude of reasons I hope to get back soon.

I’ve lumped the pictures together, and hopefully the slideshow works, because they’re all just great. Just to see the beauty that I was able to from the beginning to my last few hours is reasons enough. But having more reasons just increases my desire to fly right back



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