a thanksgiving mess

I hadn’t really planned on writing anything while I work on my recent trip photos and writing of the trip but an experience this morning prompted me to through down some thoughts. At breakfast two women in the buffet line were complaining about the meal on thanksgiving. “This is the best they could serve?” was what one of them said. First off, it’s the morning of thanksgiving. I’ve never heard of a morning meal. Second, I’m not in the fittest shape but these ladies could do with fewer sausage links and french toast themselves. I was having a normal breakfast of omelette with vegetables, fruit, granola, and some fingerling potatos. Green tea, guava juice, and water for drinks.

I’m at work over this holiday so others can have the time off. I’m not a big holiday person to begin with. Celebrate every day not just the one day. There are a bunch of family hanging out while I’m not there. I’m ok with that. I’m not bored or lonely and I’ll hang out tonight with people for a short time at least.

But this is thanksgiving. I keep hoping it will stay one of, if not the only, holidays that actually means something. Not the commercial shopping blitz of ‘christmas’ in which christ probably would say to do something good for those less fortunate instead of the spoiled senses of others wondering what new things they are going to get that they don’t really need. Halloween is about candy and not All Hallows Eve or celebrating the dead. The fourth of july, while it should be about independence is generally a time to drink and grill and watch fireworks. I still shudder when I see people mumble through the anthem.

But thanksgiving. Yes it’s not a pure holiday still. Heck it started with a conquest of the europeans against the north american indians. It’s stood though mostly as a time for friends and family to get together even if there is an over abundance of drinking and gluttony.  It’s the spirit of caring on this holiday that made me cringe overhearing those women this morning. This feels like another rant but I hope you’ll feel the plea of wanting man to be better towards one another. Maybe use this day as the springboard into the xmas season as the time to show compassion and caring. Turn over the money you were planning on dumping into the latest and greatest whatever and buy someone a meal or take your family and do some volunteer work.

Stick a fork in me, I’m done.


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