Paper vs Electron

I keep a journal on paper. I also have this online journal.

It’s interesting to have both. There is a visceral feel in the act of putting pen to paper. I have to slow down my writing, take the time to process each word, and see the ink bleed into the paper to stay into some future moment, whether or not someone actually reads the words or not.

Online here it will live essentially forever as long as these electrons persist in the cloud. I can go back and reread, if I ever chose to do so, and others, also if they choose to, can take a glimpse into my in-the-moment thoughts.

This form is easier. I don’t have to hunt down my journal and pen. I just need internet access somewhere on the earth to be able to access this site and my blog.

Time passes so quickly, thinking it was only last week I put thoughts down when in fact, the never left my head. My new test will be keeping the site in a tab in my browser and seeing if I end up writing more.


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