SXSW 2024

I never did get around to doing my daily posts at SXSW 2024.

Overall it was a fun time.

Still big problems with the staff. I was told there was no proof I bought the tshirt and poster. They eventually said they could find the tshirt but no poster. They would not refund the money I paid for the poster. I’m upset with this theft and they never responded.

The fast pass was fraught with problems every single day which was another disappointment. I read many posts from others on their problems. Of course it was the IT people attending who said they just set up scripts/bots to reserve what they wanted with a high success. Something to consider in some future iteration.

I do encourage people to go for the vast amount of information, and fun. I will also remember the hit and run driver that killed someone outside the comedy club late one evening and how thankful I am my uber driver was in the wrong place and I had to cross the street, thereby not being in the path of the other driver.


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