Food separation

I would agree with most of my friends that I tend to be a food separatist. You know, we’re the people you see eating that work on one item at a time on their plate, sometimes even going so far as to physically separate the food items into discreet and noticeable areas to better delineate the differences.

So yes, I think I do tend to pick at one thing and then move onto the next. But after a recent experience I have new insight into why I, who knows about why others do it, might be like this.

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Bad joke

I was going to tell my new doctor a joke to explain why it isn’t always easy to remember to take medications everyday when I’m traveling but he didn’t seem like he was in a chatty mood…

“I want to take Ginko but I keep forgetting.”



Not equal yet

Unfortunately I’ve found myself sucked into the social media thing and tend to quick post something instead of taking the time to flesh out thoughts into my blog, including yet another book i started writing and will likely not finish. Today is supposed to be international women’s day. It was interesting to learn that women can also practice misogyny. I presumed it was just a male against female thing.

One of my dating apps was advocating women taking the first step. So, why don’t women? Belief in ‘traditional values’? Would they have to acknowledge the fear that men may face asking out women? What other motivators/demotivators play their role in this? As a male or is and probably will remain a mystery. 


Seek not hate for the future but be in the now

People are angry.

They are grieving.

Some people are happy.

They are dancing in the street.

We fight for and cherish the ability to speak and not be persecuted.

We vote, both men AND women.

We can choose not to testify against ourselves.

We can do so many other things others cannot elsewhere on this planet.
We can do these things because we have a democracy. You may or may not like the outcome of the presidential race. But you should celebrate that it was our choice. It was our voice as a people. Only the future will be able to say what we were trying to say. But in the now you can say that we exercised our right to choose.
Feel the decision. What does it mean that it was so close or in another way, that we were so divided?
How many people use the word politician as a nice word? What does that say about our impression of politicians?
Focus on the now.
We might have bias and guesses on the future. People will shake their fists at the sky claiming to know that the country is falling apart.

Others, theirs hands together in thanks that a change is upon us.
Focus on the now.
Focus on how to heal the anger and the divide.
Claiming that you will move out of the country degrades that choice of freedom that was exercised. Some would say you should be forced out of the country for being unpatriotic but it’s your right to speak those thoughts.
Claims that the change is upon us is a signal that people are unhappy. Did Trump win or did Clinton lose? Stupid sounding question? Think about it.

If you want the change, now you have to fight for it. Prove that the America of the past is far better than what the other candidate had planned.
Fight dammit! Don’t be passive!
We are a people that lead ourselves. You must earn it and you must fight to preserve it. If you want change let your voice be heard. Let the stomping of your feet be felt. Be the wrench that causes others to take a second look.
Focus on the now to be the change for the future.

Mental Boom

That’s what it felt like at least.

I was driving. It was late. And it really was a dark and stormy night.
I was heading back from work and thinking glorious and wonderful thoughts about my bed.

At some point in the drive my thoughts were drifting, ideas were playing hockey with each other and others were undergoing fusion and fission. It was probably thoughts in the last category that became unstable and set off the chain reaction.

Before I knew it I had suffered a mental boom. My mind felt like it expanded. The universe with all its mysteries seemed more understandable. Whatever idea I was grappling with became clear in the understanding and for a brief time I had closure on a thought. I believe this is also called an epiphany but it felt more like an explosion in its action.

Perhaps we aren’t meant to understand the underpinnings of the universe or we should carry voice recorders that are voice activated for use in a moments notice. I wanted to preserve this thought but I also didn’t want to pullover that late and fumble for something to write with as my mind was rolling around with this new understanding. Hindsight says I should have pulled over.

As an ephemeral gift that was a possible life changing, world saving idea returned to the ether. My muse shaking her head at this lost opportunity of mine must think me a disappointment.

But what I won’t forget was that sensation that for those moments I felt more connected to the universe around me and that we might just have a chance to evolve before kill ourselves off.

May our future selves have more wisdom than we do today. Om bitches. Peace out.


Nature v Nurture

Admittedly I’m not much for caring about celebrities or people in the public eye. I’m more annoyed at the police roadblocks, road closures or even just longer commutes because someone needs their protection detail.

It annoys me seeing people getting paid millions upon millions of dollars for an episode of tv or a sports game when kids don’t have proper meals, people don’t have places to sleep and teachers are spending their own money for school supplies. The masses continue to be distracted from being in the real world, the modern colosseum. But for some reason I have more respect for a fictional character.

If pressed, my favorite ‘celebrity’ that I would root for would be green lantern. I saw the alternate time line of superman where his craft deviated and ended up in the soviet union instead of the Kents and he ends up being less ‘honorable’ and without stereotypical american ideals.

Nature: On his planet as a baby he was a dud. Nothing special but his parents who were intelligent and wise. No fast speed unless he developed erectile dysfunction issues. No heat vision, X-ray vision, freeze breath, flight, etc. Nada! (Same with Hal by the way).

Somehow the family knew about the radiation properties of our yellow sun and that this radiation would make him super. Once he was here he was able to be more than this initial nature. The powers are nature, his upbringing on krypton and earth are nurture.

Nurture: Hal Jordan was a test pilot. He was a nice guy. I don’t know much about his upbringing. Naturewise he was a dude A cool test pilot dude but a dude nonetheless. Whatever nurture happened though is what made him special. It was because of his nurture, his heart, that led to the ring choosing him for the chance to be in the lantern corp. He rose above others in his being.

I like the idea that both guys are good guys from the nurture aspects. But something about being chosen appeals to some ego place inside me. Maybe I want to believe without super dna I might be super enough on the inside that the ring could have chosen me.


Apple special event march 21 2016

No iwatch version 2
Smaller iphone 6
Larger memory for ipad pro and a smaller 9.7″ version.
IOS 9.3 today at some point. The jailbreak f.lux is now taken by apple and called night shift.
tvOS updates.
Health updates.

Probably other things as well. Overall a bust for me. I was hoping to see an updated iwatch as well as updated macs.


48 hours and 20 minutes

Recently I had to get a new phone because I was stupid and got my other one wet. Wet like I went swimming with it. I had been using a galaxy note 2. It was a fine phone even with the note 5 out so I really didn’t have plans on upgrading. But with a replacement now much needed for work use I had to do a bit of research. It turns out to have been an easier decision than I would have thought. Once I looked deeper at the note 5 I saw that it only had a max of 64gb. Yes i’ve heard the argument that 64 should be enough and that things can be stored in the cloud. That’s all fine if you’re constantly hooked to the internet and you have a lot of cloud space to store on. Travel somewhere without wifi or good cell coverage and you’re screwed. Samsung also chose to go the apple route and not only make the battery non-replaceable but they also took out the slot for the microsd card. The battery thing I could deal with but only putting 64gb with no option to upgrade was a kick in the nads.

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moving on

Making a change that many people would say is ‘life changing’ should probably make me anxious.
Any life changes that are drastic enough probably generate at least some amount of anxiety.
Making this decision to begin with was both challenging and easy.
At first I was forced to examine myself and my life. I agonized over making a change to upset this precarious balance and my view of an easy lifestyle.
But as I went through the pros and cons the decision shone brightly and clearly and seemed almost overwhelmingly simple.
It was time.
In the near future I wonder if I’ll look back and regret what I’ve done. The fear of change would account for that.
But what I know right now is that I actually feel a great sense of relief now that it’s over and I can’t look back, nor change my decision.
The opportunities that I have in front of me are vast and deep with challenges that I am sure will likewise be just as wonderful.
I wake up this morning with a renewed sense of purpose and for the moment at least, a direction to head into.
A comforting thought for now.
Dad, I should have done this sooner to fulfill at least one promise I made.
We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we’re curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths. – Walt Disney
You can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something – your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life. – Steve Jobs