I recently had the opportunity to make my way to Japan. It’s been a top contender on my tosee list for many years. I admit that I enjoy anime but I’m mostly mature enough to know and realize that it isn’t real. As a side idea, I like anime because of the character development and the story lines. In general they don’t take a good story line and run it season after season until you can’t stand it anymore and it dies a horrible and memorable death, marring the wonder memory you once had. I’ve been more interested in the ideas and beliefs that I hope translate from anime to real life like the connection to nature and family, the spirituality.
I’m working on copying my handwritten entries back to an online format. As much as I love my moleskin, the retyping kinda stinks. I’ve already discussed with someone the idea of trying voice dictation/translation on my phone as a way to jot down ideas and thoughts as they are happening versus writing when I have the time and filling in after looking at my pictures.
So hang tight folks and thanks to everyone that reads the nonsense that comes out of my fingers.